Friday, December 10, 2010

On Parent Child Interaction Therapy as Effective for Post Traumatic Stress: Reduces child anxiety

..when the parent-child relationship is enhanced and is less coercive/violent/rejecting, children's anxiety goes down (and remember, PTS [Post Traumatic Stress] is a type of anxiety) as well as their behavior improves. This suggests that when externalizing behavior problems, violence and/or serious parent/child relationship problems are present even though the child has clinical PTS, try triaging to start with PCIT [Parent Child Interaction Therapy] or AF-CBT [Alternatives for Families Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy] since this interventions will address more than just the PTS sx. If the child still has PTS after PCIT or AF-CBT, then TF [Trauma-Focused Cogntive Behavior Therapy] may be warranted.
A prescription for treatment from Lucy Berliner at Harborview, based on research from the University of California at Davis. -gw

From "Child Trauma and the Effectiveness of PCIT" --
Anthony Urquiza, Ph.D.

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