Thursday, October 28, 2010

On But Is It Lasting: Long-term effectiveness of PCIT

Do the skills taught parents during Parent Child Interaction Therapy stand up over time?  Here's an answer. -gw

Monday, October 25, 2010

On Infant Mental Health Issues in the News: Maternal depression and brain development

There is a lot in the news about issues of interest to those who follow infant mental health. Note the coverage in just the last several days to the dangers of maternal depression (212 news articles) and the surprising impact of the birth of a child on the brain development of the mother (199 articles). -gw

On the Importance of Operating on Baby Time and Other Truths: From the literature of Infant Mental Health

Here is just one brief video nugget of truth from Sheri Hill's presentation last Thursday, on the importance of honoring baby time. Where can we find more such truth nuggets? The library of books and materials that Sheri had on display during the training would be a good place to start. -gw

Friday, October 22, 2010

On Sheri Hill on "Babies, Brains and Relationships": Some take-away messages

The Kitsap Interagency Coordinating Council arranged to have Sheri Hill, PhD, to come to yesterday's Kitasp Interagency Coordinating Council meeting for a 3-hour training entitled "Babies, Brains and Relationships. The turnout was great, and the presentation was compelling. Here are some of the take-away messages, as gleaned from her slides. 
I have just half of the photos but none of the video clips uploaded yet. Here is the first installment, including the pics above. Watch for the rest of the slides and the video clips on this blog. -gw

Thursday, October 21, 2010

On a Postpartum Depression Awareness Campaign Training: Speak up when you're down

From: Council for Children & Families []
Subject: "Speak Up" & Join Us for a Training on Postpartum Depression
You may see it online.

**4.5 hours of CEU’s applied for MSW’s, LMFT’s, LMHC’s and Doulas**
Conference Objectives
  • To increase public awareness about pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders (PPMD), and their impact on the well-being of the entire family system
  • To educate professionals in current and effective treatments for PPMD
  • To establish for practitioners a standard of care for better screening and treatment of PPMD
  • To gain public perspective and insight on effective outreach activities to enhance our state's public awareness efforts to reach families with information on postpartum depression
Program Schedule:

7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Breakfast (provided)

8:30 – 10:30 Public Awareness Stakeholders Meeting to help guide the future direction of the "Speak Up When You’re Down" postpartum depression campaign; Facilitated by Patty Hayes, RN, MN (FREE: RSVP at

10:30 - 11:00 Break; continued registration for those not attending campaign meeting

11:00-11:30 Maternal Perinatal Depression:  A Communicable, but Treatable Disorder by Nancy K. Grote, MSW, Ph.D, Research Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work

11:30 - 12:30 Trauma in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum & its impact on family mental health by Heidi B. Koss, MA, LMHCA, Exec. Director of PSI of WA

12:30-1:30 Lunch (provided) & Panel of Parents (in the last 40 min)

1:30-3:00 Infants in the NICU and Postpartum Mood Disorders: Their Impact on Family Attachments by Leslie Butterfield, PhD, Chairperson of PSI of WA

3:00 - 3:15 Break

3:15 - 4:45 Alternative Health Supports for Perinatal Mood Disorders by Katherine Martin, ND, Midwife, Adjunct Faculty, Bastyr University

4:45-5:00 Closing Remarks & Evaluations

Campaign meeting to provide input on the future of postpartum depression awareness in WA: (free, but RSVP at )

Fee is $60.00 for training from 11-5 ($50 for registered PSI of WA members) - Includes free copy of new Beyond the Birth Booklet to all registrants!

Training:  Contact Heidi Koss, PSI of WA Executive Director at
Public Awareness Campaign Meeting:  Contact Chris Jamieson, Council for Children & Families at

More information, visit or

*Training and campaign meeting made possible in part by a grant through Washington's Mental Health Transformation Project.*
Sheri Hill mentioned this initiative during her presentation today on "Babies, Brains and Relationships" -gw

On Working With Children Zero to Three Is So Hopeful: Heart-felt comments

We had an insightful and heart-felt consultation group meeting last Friday. Here are video clips of comments shared by one of the participants. Watch for more postings from the meeting. -gw

Thursday, October 7, 2010

On Video Clips of Donna Weston's DC: 0-3 Presentation: Stay informed and in touch

"Diagnosing Infants and Young Children Using the DC: 0-3R, multi-axial classification system."
These video clips of the beginning of Donna Weston's presentation on Day 2 at the Fort Worden Conference Center in Port Townsend WA in early September 2010 convey the energy of delivery and depth of knowledge you can expect from her. I will continue to post further excerpts from the day for the edification of readers of this blog.
There is now a handy subscription form on the sidebar you can use to receive email notifications of new blog posts as they appear. Subscribe now to stay in touch and informed. -gw