Wednesday, August 24, 2011

On the Medicated Child: Frontline concern

Hey George,

Great consultation last week… Chris thought that I should forward this video on to you. It’s an entire hour long so we probably wouldn’t get a chance to watch it in our group but maybe you could share the link with the others… it is pretty interesting.

Hope you have a great week!



Episode: The Medicated Child

Millions of U.S. children are taking psychiatric drugs, most never tested on kids. Good medicine - or an uncontrolled experiment?

Watch the full episode. See more FRONTLINE.

An issue of concern for a lot of clinicians, certainly. -gw

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On Infant Mental Health Treatment: In bullet points

There is nothing like a powerpoint slideshow to provide a succinct overview of a topic. In this case, the topic is Infant Mental Health. The 74 slides here are from a 2007 presentation by Tomlin & Ryan. -gw